Open Educational Resources (OERs) are materials created under Creative Commons, a public copyright license that gives others permission to share or add to an otherwise copyrighted work for educational use.

OER Metafinder Sources

As previously noted, OER are basically anything you can utilize in a course that are open to use - from full courses to textbooks, from individual modules to media components.  Unfortunately, there isn't a single tool that harvests everything for us, so below are two metafinder resources that you can use to help identify OER materials. 

SUNY Geneseo's Milne Library - Searches 98 discovery sources including those marked with #

Mason OER Metafinder (MOM) 
George Mason Univ.  - Simultaneously searches across 21 discovery sources* as well as public domain sources including Hathi Trust, Internet Archives, Digital Public Libraries of America (DPLA), etc. 

CC Search - Searches 12 major repositories of CC image content online. This collection includes 300 million images. New version of this tool which allows you to create an attribution statement, save to lists and more. 

OER Discovery Sources - Textbooks


American Institute of Mathematics (AIM) - Open Textbook Initiative

BCcampus - British Columbia, Canada

California Consortium for Equitable Change in Hispanic Serving Institutions Open Educational Resources (CC ECHO) Links to completed projects including OER for ethnic studies, systemic racism, American government, and human sexuality

Cool4Ed Course Showcase - CSU Office of the Chancellor

CoreEcon - Open access platform for economics 

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) - DOAB Foundation (Dutch)

LibreTexts - 1,000+ open, online books across the curriculum, includes learning objects.

Merlot * - CSU Program

Milne Open Textbooks - Milne Library Publishing at SUNY Geneseo manages and maintains a catalog of open textbooks authored and peer-reviewed by SUNY faculty and staff.

OER Commons * - ISKME Educational Non-Profit

Open Oregon - OERs adopted by Oregon community college and university

OpenStax  # - Rice Univ. Educational Technology Non-Profit

Open SUNY Textbooks # - Milne Library Publishing at SUNY Geneseo 

Open Textbook Initiative - The American Institute of Mathematics 

Open Textbook Library *# - Univ. of MN Center for Open Education

Open Textbook Store - Collection of open textbooks

Pressbooks Directory - Index of over 1650 Pressbooks published across 80 PressBook networks

SkillsCommons - Workforce Development - U.S. Dept of Labor 

SUNY OER Services - A curated collection of OER for SUNY courses

ZTC Textbooks - College of the Canyons - links to all their OER texts

OER Discovery Sources - Course Outlines and Modules

Lumen Learning - Course Search

Merlot * - CSU Program

OER Commons * - ISKME Educational Non-Profit

Open Course Library - Washington State Community and Technical Colleges

Open Yale Courses - Yale University

MIT Open Courseware (OCW) - Mass. Institute of Technology

Saylor Academy - Primary initiative of the non-profit Constitution Foundation

SkillsCommons - Workforce Development - U.S. Dept of Labor 

Serendipity - Univ. Tecnica Particular de Loja (Equador)

Webcast Berkely - UC Berkeley

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