Clips can be helpful for
Video clips can enrich your pedagogical practice and course content. Clipping is generally the safest way to incorporate copyrighted video into your online course.
Note: Refer to Copyright section of this guide for more information on fair use and exemptions for instructors.
Why should I use video clips?
How should I use video clips?
Films on Demand provides predefined segmentation for the majority of their videos. You can also create and store segments within your personal account. You must be logged in to your personal account to access this feature.
Create a custom segment
1. Go to Films on Demand and log in to your personal account under Your Profile.
2. Search for a video and click on Segments under the video player.
3. Cue the video to where your custom segment should begin and click on Set Start Time.
4. Play the video to where your custom segment should end and click on Set End Time.
5. Enter a title for your custom segment and click on the Create Custom Segment button.
6. Go to My Content to view a list of your custom segments. See also Custom Segments in the record for the full title.
Note: Refer to Embedding Videos section of this guide to learn how to embed custom segments in Canvas.
Academic Videos Online provides a clipping feature. A clip allows you to choose a starting point and ending point in the middle of a video. This feature can be especially useful with longer videos. predefined segmentation for the majority of their videos. You must create a user account before creating clips.
To create clips
1. Go to Academic Videos Online and log in to your account.
2. Locate a video and begin playing it. Cue the video to where you want to create a clip.
4. Navigate to the Clips menu at the top. On the right side, select Create Clip.
5. Enter a title and description for your clip and set the start and end time markers.
6. Adjust visibility to make your clip visible to the public, institution or to set it to private. Save changes.
7. If you set your clip to anything other than private you can select the three dots, then select share which allows you to link to or embed it.
8. To access My Clips, go to your profile to view a list of your clips.
Note: Refer to Embedding Videos section of this guide to learn how to embed clips in Canvas.
You must be logged into your Kanopy account to access the clipping and playlist tool. Unique links and embed codes are generated for custom clips and playlists.
Swank does not provide a clipping tool due to licensing and usage restrictions.
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