EBSCO Databases

Research databases

EBSCOhost Databases

Locate Online Journal Articles with EBSCO's
Academic Search Complete & Masterfile Complete Databases 


  • A multidisciplinary database for academic publications including peer-reviewed journals.. 
  • Provides full-text articles from magazines, journals and newspapers.


1. From the library homepage, under DATABASES, click on EBSCO. (See Remote Access box for username and password).

2. Add a check to Business Source Elite and Professional Development Collections. The default search includes EBSCO's eBook Collection. Then click Continue.

3. Type your keyword(s) in the search box.

4. Use the following example to design the search for articles on your topic.

5. Add a check to the Full Text box for full-text articles.

6 . Add search terms

NOTE: Truncation. Add an asterisk * to the root of a search term for all forms of a word, ex. symbol*=symbolic, symbolizes, symbolically, etc.

 7.  Check Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed) Journals box (optional) and click Update.

Peer-reviewed journals are publications that include only those articles that have been reviewed and/or qualified by a selected panel of acknowledged experts in the field of study covered by the journal.




6. Limit by Subject.

Check boxes next to related library subject headings.

7. Click on a relevant article. 

Some are offered in HTML, some PDF, some both. All HTML articles have Translate and Listen options.

8. Use Tools on right of article to Print, E-mail, Save, Cite and more.

Citations are sent in MLA format as a default. 

For more information about citations, click the Citations tab above. 

9. NOTE: Double check citations before emailing or printing. Make sure the title or authors are not in ALL CAPS

10. When emailing, leave a comment/message to yourself about why you selected the article.




Library Databases

Go to A-Z Database List

why use library databases


To learn more about how to use the library databases, go to Database Tutorials.

remote access

Currently registered students, faculty and staff may access the library databases off-campus by Signing In to the campus network.

Select Journal Titles

Select EBSCO eBooks

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