Click on the links to locate the call number of each book located on the 2nd Floor. Bring them to the Circulation Desk with your Citrus ID to check them out.
There are five main locations you will see listed as you search the catalog.
Reference-Use call number to locate in the Reference area. Ask staff if you need assistance.
Ready Reference - Provide call number and Citrus ID card to Reference Desk staff to check out these items for in-library use.
2nd Floor Book Stacks -Use call number to locate on the 2nd Floor. Ask staff if you need assistance. Make sure it's available.
2nd Floor Media -Provide call number and Citrus ID card to Audiovisual Desk staff to check out these items.
Internet-Learn more about these by clicking the EBSCO e-Book tab & Gale eBooks tab at the top of the page.
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