Access Circulating Books

For additional print sources located on the 2nd Floor or at the Research Help Desk
  • Do a KEYWORD search using the a famous leader or leadership topic.
  • If your topic is more than one word, USE QUOTATION MARKS for an "exact phrase" search.
  • Search by or a person's last name, first name.
  • Select a LIBRARY SUBJECT HEADING related to your topic

NOTE: LOCATION(S), CALL # and STATUS before retrieving the book.

Click here and select Borrowing from the Library (under Guidelines) to see check-out policies.

Location, Location, Location

There are five main locations you will see listed as you search the catalog. 

Reference-Use call number to locate in the Reference area. Ask staff if you need assistance.

Ready Reference - Provide call number and Citrus ID card to Reference Desk staff to check out these items for in-library use.

2nd Floor Book Stacks -Use call number to locate on the 2nd Floor. Ask staff if you need assistance. Make sure it's available.

2nd Floor Media -Provide call number and Citrus ID card to Audiovisual Desk staff to check out these items.

Internet-Learn more about these by clicking the EBSCO e-Book tab & Gale eBooks tab at the top of the page.

Hayden Memorial Library at Citrus College │ 1000 West Foothill Blvd. Glendora, CA 91741-1899 │ (626) 963-0323 │ A to Z Index Student Account IssuesAlma

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