This guide provides resources about horror poetry, drama and literary fiction and non-fiction.

Selected Reference Books

The following titles are located in the Reference Area on the first floor. Use them inside the library only. 

Selected Circulating Titles

Print Sources

Locate Print Sources 
Learn how to access various types of print sources in the library. 

      • Reference books (in-library use only)
      • Circulating books (available for checkout)

Gale Reference Books

Access Gale Reference Books

In your search for print, begin with the select reference titles on either side of this page. To find criticism on specific works, use the Gale Literary Sources database.

Many of the essays that appear in print also appear online in the Gale Literary Sources database, but not all. Depending on your work, you may find more sources online than in print or vice versa. NOTE: Make sure you don't find the same source in print and online.

1. From the library homepage, select Databases, then G for "Gale Literary Sources".
2. Search by title for your work.

3. Select the title that best fits your work and author. Match words exactly as entered. 


4. We don't necessarily own all Gale reference titles, but we own most that will appear in these results.

See the titles on the left side of this page for the ones we own. The bold number indicates the volume and the others are pages where your work appears. Most of the essays in these books appeared elsewhere first, often in  a journal or book. 


5. Locate more information on citations.

Access Circulating Books

For additional print sources located on the 2nd Floor or in Ready Reference,
Do a KEYWORD search using the author or title of the film title alone or you can add the term "criticism".
If your film is more than one word, use quotation marks for an "exact phrase" search. 
Do a SUBJECT search using horror to find related subjects headings.

When searching try using the following SUBJECT terms:

Horror Films - History and Criticism
Horror In Literature
Horror Tales - English - History and Criticism
Film Adaptations

Gothic Revival Literature
Horror Tales History and Criticism

Supernatural In Literature


search by or author's last name, first name

Select a library subject heading the includes the director or writer's name as well as "criticism and interpretation".
NOTE: LOCATION(S), CALL # and STATUS before retrieving the book.

Location, Location, Location

There are five main locations you will see listed as you search the catalog. 

Reference - Use call number to locate in the Reference area (1st floor, West of the Reserves Desk. Ask staff if you need assistance.

Research Help Desk - Provide call number and Citrus ID card to Research Help Desk librarians to check out these items for in-library use.

2nd Floor Book Stacks - Use call number to locate on the 2nd Floor. Ask staff if you need assistance. Make sure it's available.

2nd Floor Media -Provide call number and Citrus ID card to Media Desk staff to check out these items.

Internet Learn more about these by clicking the eBooks tab at the top of the page.

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