The Hayden Memorial Library includes a staff of 24 to assist you and your students' needs. Our staff consists of a library/distance education supervisor, 2 full-time & 6 part-time librarians, 12 classified support staff, and 6 student workers. Your department has been assigned a library liaison who can help your students access, evaluate and use library resources in an ethical manner.
Online and in person assistance is available for students needing help with Citation Formats.
Databases are available 24/7. Create a My Library Account for off campus access. * Listen Feature
Set of a "Dewey Date" with a librarian to help us evaluate materials in your subject area. We welcome your expert input on these areas. Recommend items to be selected or deselected to help us keep our collections fresh, current, and reflecting today's curriculum and research needs.
Physics can be found in 530-539.99
We own about 20,000 ebooks. We have also made about 700 additional ebooks available for users to discover. If a user discovers one of these ebooks and meets the usage criteria, it will permanently be added to our collection. Librarians can also add additional ebooks to this collection so they to can be "discovered" and added. We welcome title recommendations to this collection as well.
Sandy Krause, Librarian
As you select materials for your courses we encourage you to consider Open Educational Resources (OER). See our guide for more information.
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