Resources for KIN 171 and other related courses and subjects.

Select Films on Demand Titles

Kanopy Streaming Video

Ted-Ed Videos

Streaming Media

Kanopy Videos

How to Create a Custom Segment

  • Go to My Films at the top right of the Films on Demand homepage 
  • Create a free account to create custom segments.
  • Select the Custom Segment link below the clip you are viewing.
  • Set the start and end time while you are watching the clip.
  • Make sure it's under 30 seconds to use in these speeches.
  • Once it's created, go to My Films, then My Custom Segments.
  • Copy the segment URL to insert into a PPT or website (Internet required)

Health & Medicine related video collection

Health and Medicine film categories

Subcategories within Personal Health & Wellness

Personal Health and Wellness subcategories

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