Critical Thinking


Five Ws and an H: A Quick Introduction to Critical Thinking

When evaluating a source, even one you found in a library database, you need to look at it with a critical lens. Ask yourself a few questions:

WHO: Who wrote the article and who is it written for? Is the author in an expert in the subject or do they have a particular bias?

WHAT: What type of source is this: academic, popular, scholarly? What are the main messages or arguments?

WHERE: Where was the information published and where did you find it?

WHEN: Information changes pretty quickly, so it's good to keep an eye on when the article was published. 

WHY: Everything is written for a reason! Was this written to inform you, educate you, elicit emotion, or sell you something?

HOW: How did the author come to their conclusions? Did they use research methods?

Fact Checking Resources

Fact Checking Links!

There are many sources available to evaluate media sources and check facts.  You should always check your articles. Here are some other options: 

Additional Evaluation Sources

  • AdFontes Media - Provides free interactive media bias chart and some additional resources regarding resource reliability and political bias. Also view individual news source ratings.
  • Media Bias Fact Check - Independent website that rates the bias, factual accuracy, and credibility of media sources. Search by source title for individual news source ratings.
  • The FactualThe Factual is an algorithm that rates 10,000+ news articles daily for how informative they are. One product they produce is the IsThisCredible website.

Remember: There is no one magical tool for news evaluation. Think critically to find what works best for your intended use of the information, considering the reliability, bias, credibility and accuracy of the information.


Fact Checking Resources

Citation: Generation Z Peak [@generationzpeak}. (2020, Feb 2).  Fun fact: You can avoid fake news by using these fact checking websites! #tiktokskwela #learnontiktok #edutokph# informationliteracy#f akenews [Video]. TikTok.

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