The Citrus College Veterans Program began in January 2006 when Professor Dr. Bruce O. Solheim got together with a few veteran students and started the Citrus College Veterans Network (CCVN).
In addition to starting the CCVN, we also started the Citrus College Veterans Book Fund and an annual Veterans Day celebration.
Citrus College was recently awarded a Center of Excellence for Veteran Student Success (CEVSS), grant by the Department of Education. This award provides funds for various program services for veterans attending Citrus College.
Citrus College Veteran Services
Veterans Center Location: IC Building
Phone: (626) 852-6421
Veterans Success Center Staff
Maria D. Cruz, LMFT : director
Phone: (626) 852-6457
David Rodriguez : academic counselor
Phone: (626) 852-6421
Sheila Hatfield : certifying official
Phone: (626) 852-6421
Mark Smith : Vet Success on Campus counselor
Phone: (626) 852-6458
General Inquiries about the Citrus College Veterans Program
Veterans Center Front Desk
(626) 852-6421
Dr. Maryann Tolano-Leveque : dean of students
(626) 914-8601
Dr. Martha McDonald : vice president of student services
(626) 914-8534
For donations to our Veterans Fund, contact the Foundation Office at
(626) 914-8825
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