Hayden Memorial Library is committed to providing access to materials for all patrons. All library student computers use Windows 10 which includes numerous accessibility features.
Learn about other adapted technology in SS 135 and other general resources related to Disabled Students Programs and Services. Learn more about the College's Accessibility Policy.
Adjustable Computer Workstations on both floors
Accessible print stations on both floors
Adjustable study tables in the Research Help area (on wheels)
Job Access With Speech (JAWS) v.18
FSReader DAISY Player
Handheld Magnifiers (avail. at the Research Help Desk)
Microsoft Magnifier (Windows 10)
ZoomText v.11
UbiDuo is a communication tool for
Learning Ally LINK
Microsoft Narrator (Windows 10)
Large Print
On Screen
All EBSCOhost collections
eBooks can be read by screen readers after downloading the PDF section
U.S. Major Dailies and U.S. Newsstream (ProQuest)
eBooks can be read by screen readers after downloading the PDF section
Issues & Controversies (Facts on File)
All Gale collections (eBooks, Literary Sources, Opposing Viewpoints in Context)
Academic Videos Online (AVON)
Films on Demand
Kanopy Streaming Media
For help with any of the above, or for help with research or printing, please visit the Research Help Desk.
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