Welcome to the Library Guide for Dr. Hogan's ENGL 101E Class!

<null>Welcome to the official library guide for Dr. Hogan's English 101E class! This semester you will be studying Renee Watson's novel Piecing Me Together and exploring the ideas and themes laid out by the author. This guide will assist you in using library resources to research and compose your assignments. Students come to a writing task with a wide range of library research experience. For some, this is your first research paper at Citrus, this may even be your first college class. For others the research process may be familiar, but our library resources and search strategies may be new to you. Please contact Elizabeth Cook, your embedded librarian, if you have any questions or need assistance!

Library Contact Information

Winter 2025: The physical reserve textbook collection is accessible for in-library use. The library has e-book copies of some, but not all textbooks. Check the Owl Bookstore website to buy/lookup textbooks.

chat bubble Chat Now!       Facebook Icon
mail envelope  Email: library@citruscollege.edu       Instagram Icon

cell  Text: (626) 600-2153
                phone              Call: (626) 914-8644


clock  WINTER 2025: January 6 to February 13
Mondays - Thursdays 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Saturdays and Sundays Closed

January 8
January 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

pin location icon Location - Download a Campus Map

1000 West Foothill Boulevard, Glendora, CA 91741

calendar  Library Instruction Classes

ID badgeYour Citrus College ID card is your library card. Library staff issue photo ID cards to current students, staff and faculty for free during library business hours. 

Photo ID cards are required for checking out library materials. To receive a photo ID students must:

  • visit the Photo ID Office or Check Out Desk in the library
  • provide photo identification (Driver's License, passport, etc)
  • provide your Citrus College WingSpan Number
  • be currently registered with all fees paid 

ID cards can be obtained 24 hours after students have registered for courses.

Please remember to always carry your Citrus photo ID with you.


All students currently enrolled in at least one credit-unit are eligible to receive a GoPass, a reusable electronic TAP sticker that attaches to the Citrus College ID card which allows students to ride Foothill Transit local bus lines, Silver Streak lines and/or the Metro bus and rail for free. The new GoPass provides unlimited free ride credits to students on Metro and participating bus lines through June 2025. The GoPass sticker can be obtained at the Campus Center Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. Learn more.


Hayden Memorial Library at Citrus College │ 1000 West Foothill Blvd. Glendora, CA 91741-1899 │ (626) 963-0323 │ A to Z Index my.citruscollege.edu Student Account IssuesAlma

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