This guide will provide MUS 120 students with a general library orientation including resources and strategies for accessing print and non-print resources about opera singers and operas.


The library does not have a reserve hard copy of 100 Great Operas and Their Stories, but we can provide excerpts via Google Books. 

Welcome to the MUS 120 LibGuide


This guide provides MUS 120 students information and strategies for accessing primary and secondary sources in order to effectively research operas and opera singers.  Ideally, this guide is used as a companion to the in-person MUS 120 library orientation taught by a librarian.

Guide users come to a writing task with a wide range of library research experience. For some, this is your first research paper at Citrus. For others the research process may be familiar but our library resources and search strategies may be new to you. Let's get started!

Library Hours

February 17 - June 10

Mon - Thurs 7:30 am - 8:00 pm
Fridays 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Available during business hours
How do I get one?

Saturdays and Sundays
May 30

Computers & Printing

Network logins are required to use any computers on campus.

Wepa print 

Hayden Memorial Library at Citrus College │ 1000 West Foothill Blvd. Glendora, CA 91741-1899 │ (626) 963-0323 │ A to Z Index Student Account IssuesAlma

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