Sociology Resources @ Hayden Memorial Library

What is National Newspapers Expanded?

National Newspaper Expanded by ProQuest is one of our library's online full-text databases of newspapers from leading publishers throughout the world.


1. Advanced Search - "perform a more detailed search using pull-down menu ... as well as the More Search Options section to apply additional limits."

"The default is to search for ALL terms entered. Separate terms with OR to find any of the terms. To search for an exact phrase, use "quotation marks" around your search."

2. "Publication Date defaults to search all dates. Other options include ... [Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 3 months, Last 12 months], Last 3 years, On this date, After this date, Before this date, and Specific date range."

3. More Search Options

"The Source type limit refers to the publication type. Limiting your search by selecting any of the source types will then only run your search to include those source types you selected."

"The Document type limit is used to refer to the format of the full-text." Limiting your search by selecting Articles, News, etc.

4. Display Options - "The Sort results by menu controls the sort order of the records that appear in the results page. Sort by relevance, date (oldest first), or date (most recent first). Relevance is determined by ... the number of times your search terms appear in the record as well where in the record your search terms appear."

5. "Thesaurus is used to index the subject field in [the] ProQuest [database]. The subject terms are found in the subject field and this is one of the searchable fields listed in the searchable fields table. The thesaurus allows you to find subject terms to narrow or broaden your search. Subjects are also commonly known as descriptors, controlled vocabulary, and sometimes classification terms. In [the] ProQuest [database], there are different subject types and in addition to the all encompassing subject field, there are also company/organization, person, and location."


ProQuest. "ProQuest Newstand." Last modified March 16, 2016.

Next Step: Advanced Search Strategies

Title list as of 13 March 2016

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