Bright Lights Film Journal
"Initially started as a print journal in 1974, the online publication of Bright Lights Film Journal began in 1996, and continues to today. As noted on its site, the journal is "a popular-academic hybrid of movie analysis, history, and commentary, looking at classic and commercial, independent, exploitation, and international film from a wide range of vantage points from the aesthetic to the political." [Referenced from KMG]
Cinema Scope
Critical essays on international cinema.
Images: Journal of Film and Popular Culture
Review articles, short essays and interviews.
Jump Cut
Critical essays often on political and ideological issues, film reviews, interviews.
Scope: an Online Journal of Film Studies
"Scope is a fully peer-reviewed online journal edited by staff and students in the Institute of Film & Television Studies at the University of Nottingham. It is published three times a year, in February, June and October."
Senses of Cinema
Critical essays, film reviews, interviews.
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