Library resources for Dr. Kary's honor's assignment regarding the Titan Mission project.

ASTR 115H Assignment

Cassini's Three Views of TitanGuide purpose: Assist students in researching and writing a short essay on Titan and exploration of our solar system.

  • Exploring the solar system - Spacecraft Mission (from list below)
    • How did it get there and how did it land? 
    • How did it go into orbit/fly past? 
    • What sort of instrumentation did it have? 
    • How did this help us understand this world better?
    • What did it learn and what challenges did it face?
  • Aspects of Titan (based on your mission group)
    • surface, atmosphere, liquids, & life
  • Titan Mission Project: proposal for a robotic spacecraft mission to Titan
    • geology, atmosphere, water, or life
    • orbiter, stationary lander, surface rover or combo
    • bibliography of resources (MLA or APA)
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