Step 1:
Locate textbook titles on the Owl Bookshop website, WingSpan or course syllabus.
Step 2:
Find title of book, author/editor, edition & year.
Step 3:
Search Course Reserves from any computer to check availability. Use exact course code and number (i.e. PSY 101)
Step 4:
Copy down the call # and title and provide them to Reserve Desk staff.
Step 5:
Use Citrus Photo ID card to check out the book.
The reserve collection includes many items including many (but not all) textbooks required for courses. Most reserve items may be used inside the library only for two hours at a time. Extended Study Collection (EXS) books may be checked out for longer periods.
Quickly look up reserve textbook call numbers using the convenient touch screen at the Circulation Desk. All you need are your course and professor names (ex. HIST 108 Waddington).
Thanks to ASCC and the Citrus College Foundation for helping to fund our Extended Study (EXS) reserve textbooks. These textbooks have EXS before the call number and can be checked out for 3 weeks! After classes begin you can also place a hold on these textbooks so you can be the next to check them out.
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