This course guide will help ETHN 116 students find audiovisual, print and online sources for research assignments regarding Mexican Americans/Chicanos and Latinos.

EBSCOhost Databases

Locate Online Journal Articles with EBSCOhost Databases



  • Multi-disciplinary databases providing full text for more than thousands of reference books, journals, primary source documents and image collections including full text and peer-reviewed titles. 
  • Full text from thousands of reference books, encyclopedias and non-fiction books, leading history periodicals, historical documents, biographies of historical figures, historical photos and maps, and historical video.


       1. From the library website, under Quick Links, click EBSCO (See Remote Accesss box in this page for username and password)

2. Add a check to History Reference Center and U.S. Govenment Documents, or any other database that may reflect the subject/angle of your topic. (Business Source Premier, Religion and Philosophy, or Military and Govemment  databases.

3. Uncheck eBooks if you only want to search articles. Then click Continue.  

4. Type your topic in the search box. Leave Select a Field for a keyword search or switch to Subject to search subject headings. 

5. Use the following example to design the search for your topic. 

Search: Hispanic Americans


Search options graphic


Limit your results: FUll Text and Scholarly (Peer Reviewed)


5. Limit your search to Full Text and Scholoarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals (optional, if instructor prefers)

Peer-reviewed journals are publications that include only those articles that have been reviewed and/or qualified by a selected panel of acknowledged experts in the field of study covered by the journal.

6History Reference Center has it's own set of Special Limiters. The timeline option will help you narrow your search by time period. You can also limit to primary source as a Document Type.




Special Limiters for History Reference Center


When you have set up your search options, click search to see the results. You can always further refine from the results page. 


Ways to Refine your Results

1. Add search terms. Change search field to Subject to search for term(s) in subject headings.

2. Add asterisk or question mark to expand searches. 

  • Add an asterick (*) to the root of a search term to look for different forms of the word
  • (Example: symbol* = symbolic, symbolism, synbolically, etc) 
  • Add a question mark to look for various letters. 
  • (Example: wom?n = woman or women) 

Sample Subject Search: Hispanic American and Nationalism

3. Adjust Publication Date.


Refine your results by date


4. Limit by Subject.


Refine results by subject, check relevant boxes


5. Limit by Database.

Refine results by Databases, check relevant boxes

6. Click on a relevant article.

7. Use Tools on right of article to Print, E-mail, Save, Cite and more.

Citations are sent in MLA format as a default. APA and Chicago are also available. 

For more information about citations, click the Citations tab above. 

8. NOTE: Double check citations before emailing or printing. Make sure the author or titles are NOT in ALL CAPS

9. When emailing, leave a comment/message to yourself about why you selected the article.


MLA citation example


Access Resources 24/7


Currently registered students, faculty and staff may access databases and their library account 24/7.
See this page for more information.

Sign In to our new OneSearch interface to

  • view/renew your loans,
  • requests, favorites, search history, 
  • and access e-resources 24/7

Username: Citrus email address (before @) 
Password: Citrus email password (CcMMDDYYYY unless you have changed it)

Access Periodicals

Periodicals Online

The library owns 142 periodical titles related to this course, most of which are available online through our databases. 

142 Ethnic and Race Studies Periodicals:

These titles include:

Hispanic population in the U.S.
Hispanic times magazine
Journal of American ethnic history
Latin American polictics and society 

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